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Mobile Apps

Mobile apps bring the power of GIS mapping to handheld devices like smartphones and smart tablets. 

Esri Mobile Apps

Members of the UMass community have access to Esri products through a site license administered by the Department of Geosciences. For all questions related to licensing, please contact the ESRI / GIS Software and License Coordinator, Joe Kopera (jkopera@geo.umass.edu).

Esri makes a number of mobile-friendly apps. See a full list here, or check out some of our favorites:

ArcGIS Explorer
Access your maps from a mobile device.

ArcGIS Field Maps
Create forms for collecting data in the field. Designed for collecting point, line, and polygon data.

ArcGIS Survey123
Create and share survey forms, then analyze the results. Designed for collecting point data.

Free Mobile Apps


Merlin Bird ID App (Android, iOS)
Field guide for bird species generated by GPS location

Plant-O-Matic (iOS)
Field guide for plant species generated by GPS location

Citizen Science / Observation Reporting

HerpMapper (Android, iOS)
Report locations of reptiles and amphibians and explore user-contributed data.

iMapInvasies (Android, iOS)
Report locations of invasive species.

iNaturalist (Android, iOS)
Report locations of all kinds of organisms and explore user-contributed data.

Loss of the Night (Android, iOS)
Contribute local skyglow data and view collected data in an interactive map.

Marine Debris Tracker (Android, iOS)
Report locations of marine debris and explore user-contributed data.

Map of Life (Android, iOS)
Report locations of animals and plants and explore user-contributed data.

NoiseTube (Android, Java)
Turn your phone into a noise sensor to measure sound exposure in your everyday environment.

Wildlife Witness (Android, iOS)
Report incidents of wildlife trade to the monitoring network TRAFFIC.

Data Collection

CitiSci.org (Android, iOS)
Design Citizen Science projects and apps for data collection.

CyberTracker (Android, Windows)
Design a customized data collection app, analyze basic patterns, and export data to use in GIS software. Designed for environmental monitoring.

Epicollect 5 (Android, iOS)
Create forms, collect data, and analyze results.

KoBoToolbox / KoBoCollect (Android)
Create forms, collect data, and analyze results. Works online and offline. Free to use for researchers and aid workers.

Open Data Kit / ODK Collect (Android)
Create forms and collect data in the field.

Environmental Science

SoilWeb Apps (Android, iOS)
Look up USDA-NCSS soil survey data for your current location.


AllTrails (Android, iOS)
Follow and record trails, share online.

Google Earth (Android, iOS)
Explore global satellite imagery, plus 3D terrain and buildings

Google Maps (Android, iOS)
Navigation software for walking, driving, and public transportation

GPS Essentials (Android)
Multiple navigational tools with customizable dashboard.

GPS Status (Android)
Display your phone’s GPS and sensor data.

gvSIG Mini (Android, Java)
Map viewer for free maps (penStreetMap, YahooMaps, Microsoft Bing)

Locus Map (Android)
Outdoor navigation, works online and offline. Free version has ads and some limited features.


Firef.ly (iOS)
Tracks your journey and allows adding notes, photos, and videos.

Last Updated on September 1, 2023