Sources by State
There are countless places to look for geospatial data. Many websites and data portals are tailored to specific regions, like townships, states, or even countries. To keep the list short and sweet, these are a few of our favorite spots to look for data for Massachusetts and the New England region.
Amherst GIS
The Town of Amherst’s collection of GIS data.
City of Cambridge GIS Data
The City of Cambridge’s collection of GIS data.
Digital Commonwealth
The Boston Public Library’s platform for searching digital cultural heritage collections from a wide range of Massachusetts libraries, museums, historical societies, and archives. Searchable by map view. Collections include aerial photographs and historical maps.
MAPC Data Common
The Metropolitan Area Planning Council’s collection of GIS for the state of Massachusetts. Search data by category or by community profile.
MassGIS Data Hub
Hub for browsing the State of Massachusetts’ geospatial data layers, organized by data, apps, base layers.
MassGIS Data Layers
The State of Massachusetts’ one-stop-shop for interactive maps and geospatial data. Download specific data layers from the MassGIS collection.
MassGIS MassMapper
MassMapper is the Commonwealth’s online mapping tool for searching, displaying, and sharing spatial data for MA, launched in 2021. It replaces the previous mapping tool, OLIVER.
MassGIS Ocean Resource Information System (MORIS)
The Massachusetts Ocean Resource Information System (MORIS) is an online mapping tool for search, display, and share spatial data for MA’s coastal and ocean resources.
MassGIS LiDAR Terrain Data
Download Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) terrain and elevation data for the entirety of Massachusetts. Also check out the Elevation Finder webmap for an interactive Lidar-querying experience.
Massachusetts Cultural Resource Information System (MACRIS)
Map viewer for displaying data from a range of sources, including the Massachusetts Historical Commission, MassGIS, and various base maps.
UMass Amherst Libraries William P. MacConnell Aerial Photograph Collection, ca. 1950-2000
Search the digitized collection of aerial photographs taken by William P. MacConnell and his photogrammetry students in the Department of Forestry at UMass. Use the link above to browse the entire collection (organized by county), or explore a web map of the 1951-52 series.
Elsewhere in New England
CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) GIS Data
List of downloadable GIS data for Connecticut including: bioscience data, elevation and bathymetry, environmental data, geographic names, geoscience data, hydrography, land conservation and outdoor recreation, map imagery, orthophotography, and political boundaries.
CT Environmental Conditions Online (ECO)
One-stop shop for searching and viewing Connecticut’s GIS data. Map viewer, map catalog (static PDFs), map services, and information guides.
UConn Map and Geographic Information Center (MAGIC) Connecticut Data
Aggregator for Connecticut GIS data available from DEEP, UConn, the U.S. Census, and other sources.
Maine GeoLibrary Data Catalog
Search and download Maine’s GIS data via a data browser, multiple map viewers, and web map services.
Maine Regional Orthoimagery Web Map
Web map for visualizing available orthoimagery from MEGIS.
New Hampshire
New Hampshire’s clearinghouse for GIS data. Search by keyword, browse lists, or use the map viewer to discover data.
New York
NYS GIS Clearinghouse
Browse New York State’s orthoimagery and datasets by county.
Cornell University Geospatial Information Repository (CUGIR)
Aggregator for New York State GIS data, as well as global data created by researchers at Cornell.
Rhode Island
Rhode Island Geographic Information System (RIGIS)
Search and download vector data for Rhode Island. Browse other data resources and web apps created using RIGIS data.
Vermont Center for Geographic Information
Search and download vector data for Vermont using the Vermont Open Geodata portal. Browse other data resources and web apps created using RIGIS data.
Last Updated on January 21, 2025